Standard Journals

Almost every journals falls under this category. You may search for journals by topic, or you may want to know about a journal's preprint policies. The following databases each fill a different role. Also see the page on pre-registrations for journals that are pre-registration-compatible.

PsychInfo catalogueProbably the most thorough, psychology-specific list of journals
Cognitive Neuroscience Journals and What They Charge YouA Google doc that is limited in scope but quite detailed for the journals it covers
Web of Science Master Journal ListAn easy-to-browse and flexible database of almost every journal in the world; probably the best out of all these resources, but its subsection on psychology is smaller than PsychInfo's and its open access list smaller than the Directory of Open Access Journals
Electronic Journals Library DatabaseAnother database of almost every journal, presumably rounds out some of the gaps in the Web of Science list and includes more journals in its psychology section
TransposeAnother journal that is limited in its scope, but in this case is extremely detailed about peer review, co-reviewing, and preprinting policies
Directory of Open Access JournalsThe most thorough directory of open access journals
Academic Publishers & Scholarly JournalsA list of journals by each of the dozens of major academic publishers

Thanks to Open Editors, you can also search for specific researchers to see for which journals they are editors or on the editorial board.

Open Editors